Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bike Lanes are Stupid Part II

Since coming to Austin I've been really about the bike lanes more specifically hating on bike lanes. Last night when I was riding home from the Born Ruffians show I just straight didn't ride on them. Here's an article from Momentum Magazine about bike lanes in Northern European cities. I hear a lot of people ask why we can't be more like them, and our land has just been developed differently than land in Europe. This article, though, brings some good urban planning solutions to the table that could work in urban and big city environments.

Most people here live in the burbs, and it just sucks riding on those. Anderson Township (that's where I'm from) recently made a bike/walk trail that goes along Five Mile Rd. The problem is is that its a trail from nowhere to nowhere. It's along a road that has a speed limit of 50 MPH, and you have to drive to get to points on it unless you live by Turpin High School, the library, or the mall (and not a large population live by any). It's clearly a recreational path. I try to use it on my commute over to UC and it's just straight harder than riding down Clough Pike (a winding road with blind turns). Our sights are just set in the complete wrong direction. How about a bike trail that's actually useful?

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