Monday, February 2, 2009

The Queen City Roll

For Super Bowl Sunday I made my own variation of the infamous bacon logs we've been seeing online a lot lately. Pepper cured bacon from Kroeger and Sons at Findlay Market with their Southern Sausage and some Pepperjack cheese with the Rendevous dry rub and Stubbs original BBQ sauce. Heres some pics.

Rolling the sausage, pepperjack, and sauce together

Ready to smoke


3 hours later

Sliced and served on a biscuit with saurkraut and pickles.

Too bad the Steelers won.

1 comment:

PunditusMaximus said...

Bounced here from Austin Bike Blog -- yeah, the Steelers took it, but what a great game! As a neither team fan, I was really just impressed by both teams; they clearly belonged at the championship level. Great play on both sides.